
The Link Between Mental Health and Gut-health

How Diet Impacts Anxiety

In our pursuit of mental well-being, we often look to therapies, medications, and lifestyle changes. What about the food on our plates? Can what we eat truly influence our mental health, particularly conditions like anxiety? The answer, according to research and specialist nutritionists is a resounding YES.

Understanding the Brain-Gut Connection

The link between the gut and the brain is well-documented, and recent studies suggest that what we eat can significantly impact our mental health. Our diet influences the brain in three main ways: the production of neurotransmitters, gut health, and inflammation.

Production of Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine play a crucial role in regulating mood and emotions. Certain nutrients found in our diet, such as B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, are essential for the production of these neurotransmitters. Foods high in tryptophan, like eggs, nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes, can boost serotonin levels, contributing to a brighter mood and emotional balance.

Gut Health

The gut-brain axis, a two-way connection between the brain and the micro-organisms in the gut, is influenced by what we eat. An imbalance in the gut microbiome, known as dysbiosis, can disrupt neurotransmitter production and lead to mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. Inflammation in the gut caused by a poor diet high in ultra-processed foods and sugar has been linked to mental health issues.


Chronic inflammation, triggered by poor dietary choices, is associated with various health problems, including mental health conditions. Consuming anti-inflammatory foods like berries, fruit and vegetables, can help reduce inflammation in the body and improve mental health.

Impact of Diet on Anxiety

While no single diet can cure anxiety, certain dietary patterns can exacerbate or alleviate its symptoms. Ultra-processed foods high in sugar can cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, leading to irritability and anxiety. Eating at regular intervals throughout the day and consuming foods high in protein, good fats, and fibre can help stabilise blood sugar levels and prevent mood swings.

Eating Mindfully

How we eat is as important as what we eat. Eating in a rushed, stressed manner can lead to digestive issues and exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Practicing mindful eating techniques, such as chewing food thoroughly and savouring each bite, can reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.

Foods that Support Mental Health

  1. Magnesium-Rich Foods: Spinach, pumpkin seeds, avocados, and bananas are rich in magnesium, which helps to regulate cortisol levels and blood pressure, crucial for managing anxiety.
  2. Complex Carbohydrates: Whole grains, fibre-rich fruits, and vegetables release sugar into the blood slowly, preventing spikes and lows in blood sugar levels and stabilising mood.
  3. Gut-Friendly Foods: Probiotics found in fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir, and prebiotics found in vegetables and whole grains, support gut health and have been linked to improved mood and reduced anxiety.
  4. Other Beneficial Foods: Nuts, berries, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids support neurotransmitter function and help manage anxiety symptoms.

A healthy diet can be a powerful tool as part of a holistic approach to mental health. By nourishing our bodies with the right foods, we can support our mental health and overall well-being.


It’s May, the Veil is Thin, Let’s Connect with the Spirits of Nature 

Nature’s Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity

In the busy-ness of modern life, finding moments of peace and serenity can be a challenge. Yet, nature offers us a sanctuary of stillness and reflection, inviting us to immerse ourselves in its beauty and wisdom. When we mindfully engage, we can learn to observe and interpret the signs, symbols, and metaphors that nature presents, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

The Language of Nature

Nature communicates with us in a language of its own, speaking through the rustle of leaves, the dance of sunlight, and the whispers of the wind. Each element of the natural world carries its own symbolism and significance, offering insights into our innermost thoughts and emotions.

The Sacred Circle of Life

One of nature’s most powerful symbols is the circle, representing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. From the rising and setting of the sun to the changing seasons, the circle reminds us of the eternal rhythm of existence. By observing the cyclical patterns in nature, we can learn to embrace the ebb and flow of life with grace and acceptance.

The Wisdom of Trees

Trees stand as ancient guardians of wisdom, rooted firmly in the earth yet reaching towards the sky. As symbols of strength, resilience, and growth, trees teach us the importance of staying grounded while aspiring to new heights. By connecting with the energy of trees, we can find solace and inspiration in their quiet strength and unwavering presence.

The Dance of Water

Water flows in graceful arcs, carving its path through the landscape with gentle persistence. Symbolising emotion, intuition, and adaptability, water reminds us to go with the flow and trust in the journey. Whether gazing upon a tranquil lake or listening to the soothing rhythm of raindrops, we can find peace in the fluidity of water’s movement.

The Flight of Birds

Birds take to the skies with freedom and grace, soaring above the earthly realm with effortless elegance. As symbols of freedom, perspective, and spirituality, birds encourage us to rise above our limitations and embrace the vastness of the universe. By observing the flight of birds, we can cultivate a sense of liberation and expansiveness in our own lives.

The Quiet Wisdom of Stones

Stones hold the ancient wisdom of the earth, silent witnesses to the passage of time. With their solid presence and grounding energy, stones symbolise stability, balance, and endurance. By meditating with stones or creating stone mandalas, we can tap into their quiet wisdom and find inner peace amidst life’s challenges.

Find Magic in Nature Spirits

Nature spirits, such as fairies, nymphs and dragons, often depicted as mystical beings in folklore and mythology, play a significant role in our connection with nature. Nature spirits are believed to inhabit trees, flowers, rivers, mountains, and other natural features, embodying the essence and energy of their surroundings. In folklore and mythology, fairies are believed to inhabit forests, meadows, and other natural settings, where they care for plants, animals, and the environment. May is the time when the veil is thinnest and they can be perceived easier. Whether we believe in them as literal beings or symbolic representations, the idea of these mystical beings can inspire a childlike curiosity and encourages us to see the world around us with a sense of wonder, magic and enchantment. Engaging with the concept of nature spirits can deepen our appreciation for the intricate web of life and the unseen forces at work in the natural world. Whether we perceive them as guardians of the forest or simply as symbolic representations of the Earth’s vitality, acknowledging nature spirits can enrich our mindfulness practice and foster a sense of interconnectedness with all living things.

Practicing Mindfulness in Nature

To fully engage with the signs, symbols, and metaphors of nature, we must approach each moment with a spirit of mindfulness and presence. Here are some simple practices to deepen your connection with nature:

  1. Nature Walks: Take regular walks in nature, paying attention to the sights, sounds, and sensations around you.
  2. Nature Journaling: Keep a journal to record your observations, thoughts, and feelings while in nature.
  3. Meditation: Find a quiet spot in nature to sit and meditate, focusing on your breath and the natural world around you. Connect with a tree, tune into its wisdom and receive its unique message to you.
  4. Symbolic Rituals: Create rituals or ceremonies using elements from nature, such as stones, flowers, or water, to honour the cycles of life.
  5. Creative Expression: Use art, poetry, or storytelling to express your experiences and insights gained from nature.

As we open ourselves to the wisdom of nature, we awaken to the beauty, wonder, and interconnectedness of all things. The signs, symbols, and synchronicities of nature, beautifully facilitate our transformative journey of self-discovery, imagination, inspiration, and joy along the way.


Connecting with Nature

7 Free and Effortless Ways to Boost Your Wellbeing

As spring unfolds its vibrant colours and fragrances, there’s an innate sense of positivity and renewal in the air. Harnessing the power of the changing seasons, it’s the perfect time to embark on a journey towards greater happiness and wellbeing. While grand resolutions may seem daunting, science suggests that small, effortless changes can pave the way for a brighter, more joyful life.

Professor Paul Dolan, a distinguished expert in behavioral science, emphasizes the importance of finding happiness in the everyday moments. Combining activities that bring pleasure with those that infuse purpose can have a profound impact on our mood and overall attitude. In this quest for happiness, nature emerges as a potent ally, offering countless opportunities for rejuvenation and connection. Let’s explore seven science-backed, nature-specific ways to enhance your wellbeing:

1. Witness the Sunrise: Step outside and bask in the awe-inspiring beauty of a sunrise. Research published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology highlights the profound effect of natural phenomena on our mental state. Whether it’s the golden hues painting the sky or the tranquil stillness of dawn, allowing yourself to be immersed in the splendor of nature can uplift your mood and instill a sense of wonder.

2. Take a Breath of Fresh Air: Engage in “cyclic sighing,” a practice shown to have a greater mood-boosting effect than mindfulness. Deep inhalations followed by slow exhalations can induce a sense of calm and relaxation, aligning your body with its natural rhythms. Spend a few minutes each day practicing this breathing exercise amidst the soothing embrace of nature.

3. Listen to Birdsong: Studies have found that listening to birdsong alleviates anxiety, calms stress, lifts the mood and shows time-lasting improvements in mental well-being.

4. Plan a Nature Excursion: Anticipation can be a potent source of happiness. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a simple day trip, immerse yourself in the joy of planning and envisioning your outdoor adventure. The mere thought of exploring nature’s wonders can evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation, fuelling your spirits with newfound vigour.

5. Engage in Gardening: Dedicate 10 minutes to tending to your garden or clearing a green space. The act of nurturing plants not only fosters a sense of accomplishment but also exposes you to beneficial soil bacteria known to elevate mood. Allow the earthy scent of soil and the vibrant colours of foliage to replenish your senses and rejuvenate your spirit.

6. Seek Serenity by Water: Whether it’s a leisurely stroll along the shore or a moment of quiet contemplation by a tranquil lake, immerse yourself in the calming presence of water. Research suggests that “blue space” exerts a profound positive effect on mental health, surpassing even the benefits of green space. Let the gentle rhythm of waves and the vast expanse of water soothe your mind and invigorate your soul.

7. Share Moments of Vulnerability: Strengthen your bonds with loved ones by opening up and sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings. Research underscores the transformative power of authentic connections, highlighting the significance of genuine interactions in fostering happiness and wellbeing. Whether it’s a heartfelt conversation amidst the beauty of nature or a shared moment of vulnerability under the canopy of trees, cherish the intimacy of human connection as you navigate life’s journey.

By maximising the profound connection between nature and wellbeing, we can cultivate a deeper sense of joy, gratitude, and harmony with the natural world. So, venture outdoors, breathe in the crisp air, and allow nature to be your nourishing nurturing source of wellness, happiness and fulfilment.


Spring Detox


As the days grow longer and the temperature begins to rise, Spring emerges as the perfect time for rejuvenation and renewal. In Spring we may feel inspired to spring clean the house, but why not also assist the body with a spring detox? Just as nature sheds its winter coat and bursts forth with new life, our bodies too can benefit from a spring detox to cleanse and revitalise from within. The concept of a spring detoxification has formed a part of Ayurvedic wisdom for thousands of years. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, emphasises the importance of aligning our lifestyle with the rhythms of nature to maintain balance and harmony within the body. Ayurveda aims to balance the three doshas or types of energies in the body, namely vata, pitta and kapha. According to Ayurveda, early Spring is associated with the kapha dosha, characterised by qualities of heaviness, dampness, and stagnation. To counteract these qualities and support our bodies’ natural detoxification processes, Ayurvedic principles suggest incorporating cleansing foods and practices into our daily routine.

One key aspect of a spring detox is focusing on lighter, easily digestible foods that help to stimulate metabolism and promote detoxification. Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those that are in season during Spring, such as leafy greens, asparagus, artichokes, and berries, can now take centre stage in our meals. These foods are not only nutrient-dense but also rich in antioxidants and fibre, which support the body’s detoxification pathways and help to flush out toxins.

Nettle Tea
In addition to incorporating detoxifying foods into our diet, Ayurveda also recommends incorporating cleansing practices such as fasting, drinking plenty of water, and engaging in gentle exercise like yoga or walking. Tea made of fresh nettle is a great Ayurvedic spring detox practice. Alongside dietary and lifestyle changes, Ayurveda also places importance on supporting our digestive fire, or Agni, during a spring detox. Incorporating warming spices such as ginger, turmeric, cumin, and coriander into our meals can help to stoke the digestive fire and enhance digestion, ensuring that we properly assimilate nutrients and eliminate waste. Kitchari incorporates all these warming and cleansing spices and is an easy, delicious, nourishing detox dish to make in Spring.

A spring detox is cleansing and rejuvenation, and a great way to align with the natural rhythms of the season to support the body’s innate ability to heal and thrive. By nourishing ourselves with seasonal, cleansing foods, practicing mindful eating, and incorporating gentle cleansing practices into our daily routine, we can emerge from winter’s hibernation feeling refreshed, revitalised, and ready to embrace the vibrant energy of Spring.


Scandinavian Outdoor Living Secret to Happiness 

In Scandinavia, where long, dark winters reign, there exists a cultural phenomenon deeply ingrained in the fabric of society called friluftsliv. This Norwegian term translates to “open-air living” and embodies the Scandinavian philosophy of embracing the outdoors regardless of the season. They also see it as a spiritual connection with nature, a deeper sense of de-stressing in nature and sharing in a common culture. Could this outdoor life hold the key to Norwegians’ health and happiness? Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway consistently rank among the happiest in the world. Despite their long, cold, dark winters, Scandinavians have mastered the art of finding happiness in nature, showcasing the profound connection between outdoor living and well-being.

Friluftsliv: The Essence of Scandinavian Living

Friluftsliv encapsulates the idea of immersing oneself in nature to nurture the body, mind, and spirit. It’s more than just a leisure activity; it’s a way of life deeply rooted in Nordic culture. From hiking and camping to skiing and foraging, friluftsliv encompasses a wide range of outdoor pursuits that foster a sense of freedom, adventure, and connection with the natural world.

Finding Joy in Every Season

In Scandinavia, where winters are long and daylight is scarce, embracing the season is key to unlocking the secrets of friluftsliv. Instead of retreating indoors, Scandinavians embrace the winter months with enthusiasm, finding beauty and joy in activities like cross-country skiing, ice fishing, and even polar plunges. This way they cultivate resilience and appreciation for the changing seasons.

The Benefits of Outdoor Living: Happiness in Nature

Research has shown that spending time outdoors has numerous benefits for mental and physical well-being. In Scandinavia, where friluftsliv is deeply ingrained in everyday life, these benefits are amplified. From reducing stress and anxiety to boosting mood and creativity, outdoor living plays a pivotal role in fostering happiness and resilience in the face of adversity. This love of nature is taught early. Even small children in kindergarten sleep outdoors in their prams in winter. Norwegian parents expect this as they value fresh air. At many nurseries, toddlers spend 80% of their time outside.

Practical Tips for Embracing Friluftsliv:

  • Explore Local Trails: Discover the beauty of your surroundings by exploring hiking trails, nature reserves, and scenic viewpoints.
  • Engage in Seasonal Activities: Embrace seasonal activities like berry picking in the summer, mushroom foraging in the autumn, and ice skating in the winter.
  • Connect with Community: Join outdoor clubs, meet-up groups, or community events to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for friluftsliv.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Take time to pause and appreciate the beauty of nature, whether it’s the crisp winter air or the vibrant colours of autumn foliage.
  • Unplug and Reconnect: Disconnect from technology and immerse yourself fully in the present moment, allowing nature to rejuvenate your mind and spirit.
  • Embrace Hygge: The Danish concept of hygge (coziness) means enjoying hot drinks, hearty meals, and intimate gatherings with loved ones after a day spent outdoors.

Scandinavian outdoor living is a testimony to the enduring human spirit and its profound connection to nature. Through friluftsliv, Scandinavians find happiness, resilience, and fulfilment regardless of the season. Embracing the principles of friluftsliv in our own lives, may help discovering the transformative power of outdoor living and the joy and health it brings.


Link Between Ultra-Processed Foods and Major Health Risks

Enjoy healthy 10-minute home prepared meals

More than half of the typical British daily diet is made up of ultra-processed food, higher than any other country in Europe. From ready meals to sugary snacks, ultra-processed foods have become staples in many diets. Research has shed light on the alarming consequences of consuming these mass-produced products, revealing a link to a myriad of damaging health outcomes, including cancer, diabetes, anxiety and depression.

A comprehensive study published in the British Medical Journal has underscored the detrimental effects of ultra-processed foods on both physical and mental well-being. Drawing from data involving nearly ten million individuals worldwide, researchers found a significant association between high consumption of these foods and an increased risk of mortality, particularly from heart disease. Shockingly, those who consumed the most ultra-processed foods faced a 21% higher risk of premature death and a staggering 50% higher risk of dying from heart-related issues.

Beyond physical ailments, the study also uncovered a concerning correlation between ultra-processed food intake and mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Individuals with a high consumption of these foods were found to be at a 22% greater risk of depression and experienced approximately 50% higher rates of anxiety and poor sleep. Experts attribute these findings to the potential inflammatory effects of these foods on the body and their disruptive impact on the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in mental health regulation.

Awareness of the risk and adopting healthier food choices remain essential for self-care. By prioritising whole, minimally processed foods and adopting balanced eating habits, we can mitigate the risks associated with ultra-processed foods and embark on a path towards improved health and vitality.

Preparing healthy meals can be done in no time. Here’s some inspiration 50 Healthy 10-minute meals

Find more inspiration right here on the Natural Wellness site for healthy soups, stews and salads.